Jag blir galen!

Jag stör mig verkligen på folk som hackar på hur andra ser ut, klär sig, vad andra gör osv. Det är inte så många som läser min blogg. Typ några av mina kompisar och några i släkten. Men det är ändå internet och internet sträcker sig över hela världen och därför tänkte jag att jag skulle lägga upp mitt engelskatal som vi höll i slutet av nian. För jag är EMOT mobbing så det skriker om det! Alla har rätt att vara precis som de vill! Och ingen, INGEN har rätt att hålla på att kränka en annan människa oavsätt vad.

Ni får ursäkta för möjliga stavfel och sånt.


English speech

 - Bullying

Dear classmates. Did you know that 15% of all Swedish ninth graders have been bullied by someone and the same amount of people have been a bullier?

Why do people bully each other?

It’s often because a person looks different, dresses different or that they have a different opinion.

What about our free society? What have happened to that? People always talk about that you can be whoever you want. But do they honestly believe that? If they did, they wouldn’t go around harassing each other.

In Sweden many gay people, mostly boys, is terrified to come out because of the bulliers. There have been many assaults on gay teenagers just because they have been so strong to dare to come out. Is that fair? Is it fair that those brave young men who actually dares to come out get beaten up by their own classmates, neighbor or sometimes their own parents, just because they fall in love with another boy?

It’s sick!

Prejudice is one of the most common reasons why people get bullied. People think that you believe this, people think that you do that. And instead of just asking you, they start harassing you for something you might not even have heard of.

Even though someone believe something that you might not like, dresses different or have a different origin, that doesn’t give you the right to go around bulling them!

Now you might think “hey, she hasn’t included that some bulliers have bad conditions at home”. Well, sure, they might have bad conditions at home, their parents might be very evil towards them. But still, that doesn’t give you the right to bully each other!

I believe that everybody deserves to be treated equally. I believe that all people are worth the same. I believe that you can be whoever you want! I think you should to.

Postat av: L

Shit vad bra Carro! du är ju jätteduktig! Jag kan verkligen se dig framför mig, mycket mycket bra :)

2008-07-17 @ 14:30:31
Postat av: Kattsång


2008-07-18 @ 17:42:55
Postat av: Carro

Tack :'

2008-07-21 @ 12:03:25
Postat av: Anna

Vilket gymnasium ska du börja på??

2008-07-21 @ 12:04:44
Postat av: Carro

International IT college of Sweden.


2008-07-21 @ 16:17:21
Postat av: Carro

Om det ska vara ett 'själv' det vill säga ^^

2008-07-21 @ 16:18:45

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