
Hahah oh man this picture is just too funny, it cracks me up every time I see it. Hahaha, I seriously can't stop laughing at it xP
Ha det bäst!

Two weeks

Yesterday was my two weeks of living here-day. Feels like it's been so much longer than that. My apartment already feel like my home, I have learned my surrounding much better, allthough I haven't been in the centrum, with the two small malls and the small 'shopping street' yet. But I'll probably go there tomorrow or some other day soon because I really need to buy small post it's. I only have big ones at the moment, and I have to cut them into smaller pieces. I mean that works, but it takes up unessesary time of my studying.
And wow, I can't believe I actually enjoy studying! How weird is that? But it's so interesting and reading about all the things I will be able to to with this education, when I've graduated, it really confirmes that what I've chosen to study, is what I really want to do/work with/as!
I have a 25 minute walk to the university and I'm walking up hill all the way to school. It's most of the way only a very slope, but it's enough to make your legs really tired. And riding my bike takes me about 15 minutes, but that is also very tiering, because of the slope. But what ever, it will just get easier and easier by time plus it's a 50 minute walk every dag = free exercise!
And the malls and stuff are very close to school so it's about 25 minutes to walk there too (which I haven't done yet, but probably will tomorrow or some day soon). Everything (pretty much) is in a walking-range so it's really really nice.
Oh well, I have to get back to my books now.

Feel free to call me at anytime if you want to, friends and family. If I'm at school/busy, I'll just call you back later. :)
Ha det bäst!

Some videos

I've gotten a request to post some of my youtube videos so here we go:
Here's the first video I made about moebius. This was in early 2010 I think. You can tell that it's one of my first cause I'm really shy.
This one is right after I got my letter saying when I would have my surgery.
This is the video I did just after my surgery
Three weeks after my surgery
One month after
Three months
Celebrating the first ever Moebius Syndrome Awareness day, Janyary 24th 2011
One year after my surgery
So that's some of them and I guess the most important ones :)
Ha det bäs!

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