New computer please!

I need a new laptop. My big one (I also have a small one I used to bring with me to school when I went to 6th form) is just breaking more and more. First the soundcard got all messed up, and now it's almost not working. Or well, I can listen to music, watch movies and such and I can hear people, when e.g. on skype but they can't hear me. And now the fan is... well I don't really know, it's just messed up. And... I don't know it just feels... old fashioned somehow. It doesn't have the ability to have sertain programs I want, that VAIO-computers has. And that's what  I want, a VAIO, like the one my parents have. Only problem is... I can't afford one.

Hopefully I'll get the job I have an interview for, next week (doubt it though with the luck I seem to be having when it comes to jobs -.-'). But I still won't be able to afford it cause I have to save that money to when I (if I get in...) move to Östersund. Or maybe I should consider it an investation for the studying I will have to dot there? I mean I will need the computer in order to write essays. Maybe it's cheaper to just buy a new sound card and fan and have it installed? But then I still won't have the programs I want. Oh well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it - I haven't even got a job yet so, no need to figure out how I want to use my money just yet ;)

Haha, oh the problems of today ;) I should consider myself lucky though, that I have my small computer. I mean it works for most things (but yeah... EVERYTHING is small and try writing an essay on that one - one of the most annoying things I've ever had to do!). Oh well, as long as I still live at home, I can borrow my parents computer ;)

Ha det bäst!



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