Alla helgona

For my international friends: Here in Sweden we have a day called Alla helgona (Alla helgons dag = all saints day), where we usually go to the graves of people we know and light a little candle ting in a holder. Looks like this:
And maybe we light a candle for them when we get home.
Aparantly my family are going to the graveyard tonight with one of my aunts and then they are gaving a nice dinner with her. So since I am like 70 kilometers from home, I can't be there with them. Which kinda sucks, cause I couldn't be there last year either cause I lived in England at the time (which was great cause I got to whitness the English "celebration" of this day called Bonfire night - which is a completely different thing and it was so much fun!).
So since I'm very far away from the graveyard of people I used to know, I did what I could; I lit a candle, here in my apartment and spent a little time thinking of the people and former pets I miss:
I found a picture of my University, on my camera when uploading the candle-picture:
This is from one of my frst days here in Östersund, even before I had even started here, so around the end of August. Which expains why I took a picture of this building and not the one I'm in the most ;) This is like the... I want to say main building but I don't know if that's true. Well this is the A-building (that's its name) and it's where all the administrative work is done, I think. So in that sence, it's the main building. But the main building for students is more the building I spend most (all...) of my time in - the F/G building (it's in the same house, but I'm mostly in the G part of it). But anyhow, I thougt it might be fun knowing how the university looks (of well a part of it ;) ). Although now the grass isn't that green and nice and the streets are filled with fallen leaves and most of the time snow. Yeah...
Ha det bäst!


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